About Us

Welcome to 40PlusFit Store - Fueling Fitness After 40.

Located in North America, our mission at 40PlusFit is to inspire individuals over 40 to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle. We believe it's never too late to pursue health and fitness, and we're here to support that journey with high-quality fitness equipment designed for longevity and well-being.

Why Us?

  • Tailored Selection: Our products are specifically chosen to meet the fitness needs of those 40 and up, supporting strength, flexibility, and low-impact exercises.
  • Unmatched Quality: We offer durable, reliable equipment from trusted manufacturers, ensuring your fitness journey is built on quality you can trust.
  • Community and Support: At 40PlusFit, you're part of a community. We provide expert advice and encourage our members to share their fitness journeys and successes.

Our Vision

To empower a generation to redefine fitness at any age, making 40PlusFit a cornerstone for those seeking to maintain and improve their health and vitality well beyond 40.

Join Our Journey

Start or continue your fitness journey with us. Explore our collection and find out how we can help you stay active, healthy, and engaged in life's best moments.

Welcome to 40PlusFit store. Let's redefine fitness together.